The VI BRISPE Theme:
Research Integrity, Open Science and Authorship: Challenges and Opportunities for the Research Systems
Research integrity plays an essential role in scientific and scholarly inquiry and has increasingly been recognized as a key issue to be addressed in most discussions about the reliability of the research record. When it comes to reliable science,changes in the research culture have pointed to the need for a more collaborative and open science, which involves new perceptions and attitudes toward the scientific endeavor ( This changing landscape poses several challenges for the research enterprise, such as those involving the research process itself, with its traditional publication models and reward mechanisms ( At the same time, this evolving landscape offers opportunities for the research systems to revisit some of the principles and/or notions underlying long-established practices, including priority of discovery, scientific authorship, and research rigor. In the VI Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (VI BRISPE), the goal is to explore these challenges and opportunities and how they operate or can operate within different research systems – at disciplinary, institutional and country levels. The VI BRISPE thus invites the participation of researchers, university students, educators, and scholars in all fields of knowledge as well as policymakers/research funders and all of those interested in research integrity, addressed in light of the theme for this 6th edition.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil